17 February 2008

This week I'll be mostly hating Marmite

Love it? Hate it?
Marmite. You either love it or hate it. I fall into the category of people who love it. If we're having toast or crumpets, I have to have at least one slice with marmite on it. Yes, I'm a Marmite lover.

So for Valentine's Day this year Sarah got me a jar of Marmite. Not any old jar of Marmite, but a special jar. Not only with "I love you" on the front, but a new special recipe: 'Limited Edition Marmite with a Touch of Champagne'.

Now, if you're a Marmite hater, then you have probably just barfed all over your computer screen. However, if you're a Marmite lover, then you have probably just said "erm, right, I'm not quite sure about that".

I had some on my Saturday morning breakfast slice of toast. And, well, it was, erm, totally underwhelming, I'm afraid to say.  Kind of like Marmite, but with a hint of champagne. Call me a heathen, but I like my yeast extract spread as it comes.

Champagne in my Marmite? Er no thanks.

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