25 February 2011

This week I'll be mostly writing again

The pen is mightier...
Erm, hello.  Again.

It's been 7 months since my last 'Mostly'.  In fact, now that I look, I see it's been 6 months since my last vaguely meaningful post of any kind (other than a quick bit of wedding anniversary prose and a Christmas video).

So first, let me say 'thanks' to all of you who wished me a happy birthday 5 months ago.  Sorry I ignored the lot of ya, but I was embarking on an episode of cyber-phobia.  Not for the first time.  The less said about it the better.  Probably.

I spent a bit of time at the end of the year being, erm, "livid again", as Messrs Rossi and Young once put it.  And as Rossi/Young quite rightly point out: "Believe it or not, I don't like it a lot."

So if it's alright with you, I'm gonna call the last half a year a 'meltdown', chalk it up to experience and see if moving on works better than burying ones head in the sand.  And from this point on I won't mention my mental health ("I mentioned it once and I think I got away with it").

So here's the thing.  In the last week I've started writing stuff down again.  Some people hear the music, some people have a narration like JD from Scrubs.  I have stuff that pops into my head that I have to write down.  It usually reads like an instruction manual, or on a good day, one of the more quirky articles on h2g2, (ah, I miss that place).  That stuff used to find its way into these 'Mostly's', and now that it's back, well I guess I'd better let it out again.

As Rossi and Young would go on to mention: "I'm trying again, I'm flying again ... believe it or not I like it a lot".

Thanks for listening.  Again.


  1. I missed your 'mostly' columns. Well done for taking up writing them again! I'm now subscribed to this blog and will watch out for new episodes. :)

  2. Oh hello, I just noticed this comment. In fact the first ever comment on my blog. Thanks for reading. :-)
