9 January 2010

This week I'll be mostly exhibiting stresslessness

Hypericum perforatum.
You might find it suspicious to find that this is the second "...mostly..." in a row with a picture of me holding a herbal remedy of some kind. You might also find it suspicious to note that it has been three months since I last wrote a "...mostly...".

You're wondering where I've been? I was so totally stressed out for a while back there that I wasn't capable of turning up here and telling you about it. I went to some entirely other level of stress that I've never been to before. Much as I've considered making light of it and turning the whole episode into a witty aside, I realise you can't make light of that kinda thing.

But here's the thing. Our resident homeopathic expert (Sarah) had a stroke of genius just before Christmas. Long story short, we popped into a health food shop in town, and came out with a variety of herbal remedies.

Are they working? You bet. I've gotta tell you, there is still stressful stuff out there, but I kinda don't care about it. It's difficult to explain. I'm just not as stressed out as I should be.

However, I now feel like the judge from What's Up Doc. "You see this yellow pill? You know what it's for? It's to remind me to take this blue pill. I don't know what the blue one's for. They're afraid to tell me."

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