Previously, on Battlestar Galactica. |
We'd like to think that we're not obsessed with Battlestar Galactica. We'd like to
think that...
first started watching Battlestar Galactica about five years ago. That
was back in the days when the kids would go to bed and we'd sit down to
watch something on the telly. There were nights where we'd get through
4 or 5 episodes back-to-back.
But we weren't obsessed, really, we weren't.
they re-ran the pilot episodes on tv a few months ago, so we recorded
them, edited out the adverts, and whacked them onto dvd, as you do. We
decided the kids would want to watch it this time round, so we rattled
through the pilot in a couple of nights, then got straight onto season
1. We were hooked.
Hooked, but not obsessed, honest.
Battlestar Galactica fans out there will know that the end-of-season 1
cliff-hanger draws you straight into the next season. Then you have to
watch the next 4 episodes straight off before you take a breath. Season
2 does the same thing. If you've got the dvds in the cupboard there is
no point in hanging about - eject, bung the next one in, play all,
eject, bung the next one in, play all.
That's not obsessive, is it?
finished season 2 by the February half-term, then had a few days off,
then blatted through 22 episodes of season 3 in about a week. We
finished on Sunday evening. Five minutes later I was out driving round
St Helier trying to buy the box set of season 4. Everywhere was shut. I
came back home with nothing and went on t'internet and downloaded some
season 3 music.
That doesn't make me obsessed, does it?
we've got 4 episodes to go and it's all over. There will be no more
BSG. No more getting a fire going, turning the lights out, passing
round a bowl of sweets. No more nightly renditions of the special
Foster Family version of the Gayatri Mantra title lyrics. What will we
do with ourselves? Probably have to start catching up with Caprica I
Like I said, we're not obsessed.